Being Human in a Brave New World

Being Human in a Brave New World

2019 – 2020 Theme

In the last twenty years, there has been exponential change in society as a result of huge technological advances. It’s hard to believe that it’s been only 13 years since the iphone appeared on the market in 2007; yet, in that short amount of time, its invention has completely revolutionized our interactions with each other, and with the world. The i-phone is but one invention. Consider the uses of AI – artificial intelligence – in almost every area of everyday life! We have driverless cars, bluetooth surveillance, CRISPR technology, wars fought by drones, doctor visits via teleconferencing, neural implants, just to name a few.

What is it like to live in this “Brave New World?” What are the ethical questions that we need to consider as we navigate a whole new way of “being?” Have we altered what it means to be “human?” Can we manipulate our lives in such a way that we can alleviate pain, erase memories, or even eliminate disability?

The 2019-2020 Bioethics Project focused on these very relevant issues – relevant for anyone who is living in this 21st century. Join us as we delve into the ethics of living in a modern society where AI can replace humans in the most fundamental areas of life, your online identity may outlive you, and Big Data may be used to force behavioral changes in us all! It’s a “Brave New World!