The Bioethics Project
At Kent Place School
By Piper Mayes Abstract What constitutes a medical error and who is accountable for these errors? Following heart disease and cancer as a leading cause of death, medical error has significant impacts on both the patient and physician populations. In accordance with the Medical-Industrial Complex, healthcare institutions proceed to focus on profit to eliminate economic
Read MoreLow-income, Little Healthcare: The Ethical Inequities of Healthcare for Women With Low-incomes By Julia Messerman This paper will explore access to mammograms for women with low incomes and who should be responsible to ensure that all women have access to the medical technology that they need. I looked into the different types of groups that
Read MoreHis Body… His Responsibility? The Ethical Implications of New Male Birth Control Options By Sahana Kapoor Male contraception has long been an area of scientific exploration and debate, offering the potential for greater reproductive autonomy as well as sharing the burden of contraception between partners. While the focus of birth control has primarily been directed
Read More[Dis]Ability: A “Cure” for Down Syndrome By Keerthi Jayaraman Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have found a way to silence the chromosome that causes Down syndrome. By inserting a gene called XIST, (which is normally used to silence the second X chromosome in female mammals) scientists could silence the extra chromosome 21
Read MoreSelection of the Best Possible Child: Should Relative Morals and Opinions Determine the Next Generation? By Regene Nolan In 2002, a deaf lesbian couple selected the embryo of a deaf child over others, sparking debate on whether the decision was in the best interests of the child. Through the use of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and
Read MoreGene Patenting and the Commercialization of the Human Body By Natasha Sharma How would you feel knowing that a research company owns your genes? Does owning genes commercialize the human body? Is it right to put a price on the human body? In the last few years, a common practice known as gene patenting has
Read MoreHuman Longevity vs. Planetary Sustainability: The Hard Choice of a Cure for a Disease or a Cure for the Planet By Ruth Laurence Table of Contents Introduction Factual Background on Population Growth Factual Background on Longevity Medication Justice for the Earth Fairness for Humans Conclusion Introduction The human population is growing at an alarming pace.
Read MoreAbortion and Down Syndrome: Is it Ethically Permissible to Abort a Fetus Because it has Down Syndrome? By Anjolie Charlot Table of Contents Introduction Factual Background Autonomy Fairness Social Implications Conclusion Introduction There are many reasons why a woman would have an abortion. Anything from finances to family can be a deciding factor. Some women
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